Provide multiple authentication methods for your knowledge base
Manage access to product docs with multiple authentication methods. Use single sign-on or passwords to securely share one knowledge base with different groups.
Streamline product knowledge sharing. Check out the latest updates to Aha! Knowledge — easily create wikis, knowledge bases, and other essential docs in a central hub.
Manage access to product docs with multiple authentication methods. Use single sign-on or passwords to securely share one knowledge base with different groups.
Centralize product docs in Aha! Knowledge with our Chrome extension. Import from tools such as Document360 to quickly create organized, accessible knowledge bases.
Review the top 16 most popular features launched in Aha! software in Q4 2024, including new ways to use our AI assistant, customer satisfaction polls, enhancements to…
Embed your knowledge base into your application for a seamless customer experience. This makes it easy to share product documentation with end users while they are…
Provide your customers with fast, clear answers. Follow these 5 steps to build a knowledge base that creates a seamless self-service experience they will appreciate.
Use Aha! shapes to view your high-level plans on a whiteboard. Then, convert your concepts into actionable Aha! records — no data re-entry required.
AI-powered search delivers instant summaries and relevant information — helping users find answers faster and reducing support tickets.
Streamline knowledge base management with new reporting capabilities. Easily track publishing status across documents, publish updates in bulk, and audit content. Keep…
Quickly create a product knowledge base with the new Microsoft Word document importer for Aha! Knowledge. Retain your formatting, folder structure, and images to create…
Explore the top updates delivered in Q3 2024, including powerful new features and enhancements across Aha! Roadmaps, Aha! Ideas, Aha! Whiteboards, Aha! Knowledge, and…
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